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Diaryland Design
9:29 p.m.

Well, today was the bomb diggity.


The day started out lovely, things were going swell, I got to go on a seesaw, and swing...then Cramer showed up.

BUMBUMBUM *dramatic music*

So I moved over to the tables, Victoria at my side as always, and Cramer stands behind me.


The rest of the day wasn't much better. Cramer kept asking me out for Steven Jenson...joke or no, I don't know, but first I politely said no, second I told him to go to hell, third time I threatened him with my craft scissors.He left me alone after that. Except that he put his arm around Victoria. I freaked out, yelled something like he better keep his hands off her or else I would gut him with my scissors. I went into Scary Brittany Attack Mode. I despise him. He left me alone after that. Loser.

I saw Travis, and his hair is awesomely awesome. If I was a guy, thats how I would want my hair. Travis is really cool.

I can't believe it, but I was sitting there and Borg comes up and waves at me...I didn't know it was him, because he looked I was your name? It was very very sad...

I found out what I want to do in high school for extra stuff, and I want to do Art, Drama, (I want to try out for Drill Team, I won't make it), and the band lady said I could go to band camp and learn how to play the drums, which I just might do. If by some miracle I make Drill Team, I can't do band, vice versa. If I don't make Drill Team I might try out for Cheerleading. The outfits are cool...oh, and then theres Shooting Club, where you get to...shoot things, apparently, but I have to get a...hunting license. Even though I won't hunt anything. Ever. Unless I get into a contest with Koda and/or Dustin to see who can bag the most possums.

Science Project time is approaching, and Victoria and I have yet to do our project, I am getting nervous.

Lock Shock Barrel